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How to create a blog post on blogger - Creating a good blog post

How to create a blog post on blogger -  Creating a good blog post in blogger free

Blog Post

The blog post[1] is a entry (article) that you compose on a blog. It can remember content for the type of text, photographs, infographics, or recordings.

Blog writing

Blog writing for a blog implies making, photography, and other media that is autonomously distributed on the web. Adding to a blog started as an opportunity for individuals to make diary style areas, yet it has since been combined into locales for certain associations.

Create a post on Blogger

Creating a blog post is need's some elements. They are called Blog post with elementor. Creating a good blog post will occurs the following elements. First of all you have an content with minimum of 300 words.

Blogger Elements:

  • Headline
  • Introduction
  • Main Content
  • Subheadline
  • Bolded Text
  • Bulled/Numbered Text
  • Media
  • Conclusion

Blog Post Headline

Blog post headline's or title of your post, needs to catch the consideration of expected perusers. Individuals may see it in their web-based media news source or indexed lists. Ensure you incorporate the principle keywords state that individuals could utilize while looking for the point you are covering.


The principal section(first paragraph) of your blog post entry will either keep individuals perusing or make individuals leave. Ensure that it urges individuals to peruse the remainder of your substance. You should utilize your focused on watchword state for web crawlers in any event once in this passage.

Main Content

It is the fundamental piece of your blog entry content. Consider the feature the guarantee and the fundamental substance as the satisfaction of that vow. Your principle substance ought to satisfy any individual who visits your post dependent on the feature. In the event that you make content that doesn't meet the guarantees of your feature, individuals will begin to distinguish your blog as unfulfilling. The length of your blog entries can go from 300 to at least 3,000 words. It's ideal to substitute the length of your posts as you acquire knowledge into what turns out best for your crowd. 


Numerous individuals will check your blog content rather than perusing it in exactly the same words. Compose subheads that break your substance into absorbable areas. Ensure those subheads speak to the substance inside them. 

Bolded text's

Utilize striking content in a couple of regions of your fundamental substance to help feature significant focuses. Use it specifically. Something else, your whole article will appear bolded, in this way removing the capacity to feature key segments of the substance. 

Bulleted/numbered Text's

While you don't need your whole post loaded up with list items or numbers, these rundowns do assist separate out advances and tables with valuable substance. 


Supplement the content piece of your substance with media, for example, related pictures and recordings. It will help separate your substance and represent your focuses better.

The least you can do is to remember an included picture for your post. Add your post's fundamental keywords state in the filename of the image just as the ALT tag. It will help you in inquiry advancement of your post. 


The decision ought to be a passage or two toward the finish of your post to sum up the substance you've composed. The peruser ought to comprehend what material you've covered. In the event that they didn't, odds are, they will return to perceive what they may have missed.

create a blog post on blogger -  Creating a good blog post
Blog Post Interface for new post

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